Each season, Chair Care Patio makes approximately 30,000 replacement slings
for its customers both wholesale and retail. That's a LOT of outdoor fabric! We thought you might find it interesting to see all the serious coordination inherent in keeping the process moving along--from initial order placement to delivery, there's never a dull moment around here.
we were the first on the Internet to offer custom-made replacement
slings (over 20 years ago!), we have been able to refine the order and
production processes to accommodate our volume. And at the same time, we've been able to document the basics so that you can take the final product and actually use it with a minimum of fuss. None of this has happened without goofs, headaches or bumps in the road, but we've definitely learned what works
and what doesn't! With that in mind, grab your favorite beverage and a notebook--we're going to take a tour of the process from start to finish!
First things first, though--the First Step starts with you! We blogged last week about "how to measure for replacement slings", and we also have a handy-dandy guide right on our website on how to do that (so rather than repeat in this entry, when you're ready, simply click on the highlighted text link here, which will take you to this part of our website and then click on the first entry, "How To Measure Patio Chair Slings". Or, click this link for our blog version).
We can't stress enough about how important this is--for you to be happy with the end result, understand that it is:

One other point on measuring, and then we'll move on with our tour--when taking your measurements, do not--DO NOT--measure the old sling! The old sling is torn, stretched and baggy. Measuring the old sling will result in a new patio chair sling that will not fit (and unfortunately, we cannot cancel or refund an order because the measurements were done incorrectly!) Really, we can't stress that enough--make sure the sling rails are tightened up to the
frame and perform measurements on the frame. Even if the sling is ripped and shredded (hanging in tatters, off the rails), it's okay--we need you to measure center
of the rail to center of the rail on the frame. We make our slings to fit the
frame, not to copy the old sling. The "width" numbers are the most critical. Measure from the center of the sling rail from front to back.
Sometimes, finding the center of the rail can be confusing. The picture below shows what the sling rail looks like with the fabric removed:
NOTE: Oftentimes you'll see additional fabric inside the rails and you can't measure it. Don't worry about that additional fabric: we do make allowances for it!
Once you have your measurements...yes, that's right, it is
You've come to the right place, too--Chair Care Patio offers the largest selection of replacement sling fabric online today. We offer only top quality replacement sling fabrics
from manufacturers such as Phifer, Twitchell, Batyline and Sunbrella. Phifer
and Twitchell are by far the largest manufacturers of replacement sling fabric
in the USA.
After taking your measurements from the frame, you would place your order on our website. Ordering is so easy, once you have your measurements and fabric selection ready. Follow the online steps and
proceed to checkout. Once complete, you’ll receive an email receipt confirming
your order.
Now, you get to sit back and relax, and wait for your order to arrive. We take it from here...
organize all these rolls of fabric in our shop by fabric and each
season we cut and sew tens of thousands of yards of it (in the
summertime, these rolls haunt our dreams, too, but we digress :-)) To keep the shop floor organized and our employees safe, the fabrics
are placed on rolling racks that can easily move around the production
floor. The big strong guys that work in our shop help the ladies get the sling
fabric rolls onto the racks. The fabric racks are
also numbered so we can easily locate the correct fabric for production.
Each morning, orders received the day before are printed and
reviewed. Our online system produces a production order for our sewing shop.
The production order includes all the important information about your order
including sling style, fabric and measurements.
Each production order for replacement slings has a bar code associated
with the order. All replacement slings are processed in the order they are
received. Each replacement sling we make is
custom cut and sewn. No two orders are the same. Therefore
every sling is measured, marked and cut by hand. No automation for this
process, just some accurate cutting and very sharp scissors, utility knives and
a ruler. Our talented sewing staff takes care of this--some are simply "cutters", cutting
the slings according to order measurements, while others do the actual, final
The cutters working on your replacement sling order look for the fabric name, quantity and dimensions to cut the
fabric. Because we have bar code tracking for each order, the person cutting
the slings scans the production order to begin the process. When the cutting
portion of the job is complete, she scans again to close the cutting cycle. The
production paper work stays with the job until it’s time to ship. This way, we don't get your order mixed up with someone else's.
The cut slings then go to the staging area and wait for
their turn at the sewing machines. As you can see from the picture the cutting folks do a good job staying ahead of our amazing seamstresses!
The next step is the actual sewing process. Our sewing crew has
been utilizing our current processes for almost 10 years now--and between them, they have hundreds of years of sewing experience under their belts. Because of it, every one of them has the know-how to run an
industrial double-needle sewing machine at lightning speed!
sling is sewn with a special thread called SolarFix®. SolarFix is guaranteed to last, in writing, by the manufacturer! This PTFE thread is extremely strong, has
excellent UV stability and will not deteriorate in the sun. In addition, it won't lose any significant strength due to UV or chemical exposure, unlike conventional polyester, nylon or cotton. Other replacement sling dealers only offer this as an optional add-on, because it's pretty pricey--from Day One, Chair Care Patio has used this as the ONLY option and we don't charge extra for it. And that has paid off--in the last 10 years, we have not had a single sling returned due to failed or deteriorated thread. This extra cost on our part is well-worth it--an insurance policy for us (less returns = less wasted $$) and especially for you (no return = no hassle = you're a happy customer!)
Your replacement slings are sewn, using a double-needle stitch on all four
sides. The hem sizes are predetermined and are the
same for every sling we make. We use these nifty folding gadgets on
our double-needle machines to keep the hems the exact size every time. No guess
work on the part of the sewer. Just a matter of running the replacement sling
fabric through the machine and...voila! She is done!
Each sewer measures width and length and compares it to the
final size measurements provided on the production order, as another "verification" step in our process....
Once the slings are measured, sewn and verified, the order is once again scanned to confirm it's been through production. Completed slings are placed in shopping carts and moved through the
warehouse to the shipping area.
Shopping carts? Yes! Fear not, though, we didn't go around "acquiring" carts off the local grocer parking lots--you can now find local businesses selling used carts and so we've purchased a number of them. They're a great way to
carry bundles of finished slings from one end of the warehouse to the other and (with safety in mind, of course) can occasionally provide us with lighter moments during Silly Season (it's not at all unusual to see a seamstress pushing a cart full of slings AND another seamstress, over to our Shipping department! Hey, that's a long walk!)
Almost done! Next, it is
Once the completed sling orders reach the shipping department,
they are placed in boxes along with the appropriate lengths of spline or sling
rod and any additional parts you may have ordered along with your slings. We
also include our printed instructions on how to install patio furniture
replacement slings.
They LOVE us, for one thing. We ship via UPS Ground, and each week our crew averages about 3000 slings per week. That's a lotta boxes! It's a good thing this guy isn't exactly small...
Because we use UPS, you can....that's right,
Once the package is logged into the UPS system, you will
receive an email, letting you know your sling order has shipped. The email
provides you with the UPS tracking number so you know about when you can expect your shipment. If for some reason you lose the email from UPS, that's okay--you can
always check the status of your sling order through the Chair Care Patio
website. Click on the VIEW STATUS button in the upper right hand corner; enter
your email, order number and zip code. Our online status system will show you
if the order has shipped, or is in process. During peak season, replacement
slings may take up to 15 working days to manufacture due to the high volume of
orders. Please be patient. Plan ahead and order early in the season before the
mad spring/summer rush.

Mind you, we're not perfect and won't ever claim to be--sometimes, we make mistakes in cutting or sewing. If we made your replacement slings incorrectly, we're happy to correct them. But we're pretty good at this stuff: with the processes we have refined, we definitely have minimized such error to the point where we can say it's not common.
By now, we're hoping this mini-tour hasn't put you to sleep! We don't just live, breathe, eat and sleep outdoor patio furniture repair. We actually love what we do and we love our customers! We hope that this information will give you a better understanding of how we make slings, and also why we ask you to measure in a specific way. Altogether, we have over 20 years of experience making and
installing slings. It’s not guess work, but just good measuring on your part (and a little math on ours) will determine the proper size of your slings. We do this every day--you can trust us! The slings we make should fit. Just take your time measuring,
watch our videos on how to measure and read the installation instructions
thoroughly before you order. AND, and, and...don’t forget that you can order FREE sling fabric samples before you order the slings themselves. That way, you can make sure it matches your decor (or even that you like it) before you take the time (and spend the money) putting together measurements and ordering from us--particularly since computer monitor resolution can sometimes be deceiving.

And don't worry--if you still have questions or concerns
regarding your replacement sling order, you can call us. If you're calling about sling installation, we only ask that you do one thing:
Please remember your sling must be stretched and you must disassemble the patio chair or chaise lounge in order to do the installation. It really, really helps everyone involved if you try to INSTALL
before you CALL--it will make it easier for us to help. It's really challenging to help via phone, but we know what we're doing, we promise you! The fabrics we use for replacement slings will stretch
more than you realize. May we suggest ordering the spreader tool when you place your order? This will help you
spread the sling rails and bolt the rails to the frame--it's an amazing gadget, handier than you could ever imagine. Every little bit helps!